Below is a list of various therapies and substances, in no particular order, that should be researched. There is no “one way” but a combination of therapies that suits you best. There is a huge amount of choice with a huge amount of great and positive evidence. There is an enormous amount of help available on the internet and through good naturopaths and homeopaths.
- Gerson therapy
- Hoxsey Clinic / Bio Medical Clinic
- RIGVIR ( International Virotherapy Centre in Latvia – cancer killing virus)
- Oxygen therapy with hyperbaric chamber.
- DCA – Dichloroacetate
- Budwig diet
- Essiac tea
- Black Salve
- BEC-5 (skin cancer)
- Detox Diets
- Coffee Enemas
- Chelation
- Hemp/Marijuana Oil
- Banting Diet
- Radiowave therapy – Dr Holt
- Vitamin B17
- Vitamins C, D, B’s, E.
- Apricot Kernals (B17)
- Ginger
- Turmeric (curcumin)
- Flavinoids ( turn on apoptosis in cancer cells )
- Juice Fasting
- Fermented foods e.g. sauerkraut and kimchi.
- Essential oils – frankincense.
- Baking Soda ( make sure free from aluminum )
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